Guam Business Magazine hosted its 40 Under Forty Cocktail Party at the
Hyatt Regency Guam on Sept. 13.
Photos by Justin Green

(From left) Maureen N. Maratita, publisher, Glimpses Media; Jason B. Miyashita, managing director, senior vice president and investments, Senior Institutional Consultant, managing partner, Raymond James Guam Office; and Meghan Hickey, business editor, Glimpses Media

(From left) Jennifer C. Camacho, senior vice president, Cars Plus Guam, president and managing member, Pacific Auto Leasing LLC, which does business as Thrifty Car Rental Micronesia, partner and member, Pacific Powersports LLC, which does business as Harley-Davidson of Guam; Jesrae Moylan, friend of Camacho; Sarah Filush Camacho, founder and CEO, Sasa Productions.
The Micronesia Islands Nature Alliance hosted its Green Gala at the Fiesta Resort & Spa Saipan on Sept. 13.
Photos courtesy of D&R Visuals

(From left) Rizalina Liwag, principal, Hopwood Middle School; Misako Kamata, CEO, PDM Promoters Inc.; and Tracy Burgess, teacher, Saipan Southern High School.

(From left) Frankie M. Eliptico, interim president, Northern Marianas College, board member; Fran Castro, program leader, University of Guam Sea Grant, co-founder and board member; Roman “Bo” Tenorio Palacios, vice president, J.C. Tenorio Enterprises Inc., board member; and Soledad “Somia” T. Quan, corporate projects manager, J.C. Tenorio Enterprises Inc., board member; all of Micronesia Islands Nature Alliance.
The American Red Cross Guam Chapter hosted its annual Red Ball at Dusit Thani Guam Resort on Sept. 21.
Photos by Justin Green

(From left) Milton K. Morinaga, managing director, P.H.R. Ken Micronesia Inc.; and Jay R. Shedd, senior director of sales, marketing and customer service, IT&E.

(From left) Sanjay Dewan, president, Dewan Enterprises Inc., which does business as Port of Mocha Coffee House; and first gentleman Jeffrey A. Cook, vice president, Cunliffe & Cook, board member, American Red Cross Guam Chapter.
Humanities Guåhan hosted its Fiestan Salu Salo Interpretive Dinner on Oct. 5.
Photos by Justin Green

(From left) Donald H. Rubinstein, professor, University of Guam; Aaron Agsalud, graduate student, UOG; Christian Santiago, production assistant, Crown Bakery; and Troy McVey, assistant vice president, UOG.

(From left) Katrina T. Perez, executive director, University of Guam Endowment Foundation; Jenei Aguon, development coordinator, UOG Endowment Foundation; and Simion J. Kihleng, social worker, Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services.

(From left) Melissa Taitano, assistant professor, UOG Richard F. Taitano Library; Ann Marie Cruz, vice president, administration, Duenas, Camacho & Associates; and Patrick Hogan, filmmaker, Guam International Film Festival entrant.
Tropical Productions Inc. hosted its Wine Fest 2019 at the Hyatt Regency Guam on Oct. 4.
Photos by Anthony Mariano

(From left) Nicole Cornelison, promotions manager, Mid-Pacific Distributors Inc.; Judy C. Rosario, co-owner, Synergy Studios, enterprise sales manager, IT&E; Ajay Pothen, asset manager, Pacific Star Resort & Spa; Anthony Mariano, digital marketing/media manager, Glimpses Media; and Cierra Raphael, sales representative, Island Wines & Spirits.

(From left) Dean Manglona, attorney, Civille & Tang; Leslie A. Travis, attorney, Civille & Tang; and Logan Reyes, consultant, LGR Media LLC.
The American Association of University Women Guam Branch held a filmmaking workshop with Patrick Hogan at the Hilton Guam Resort & Spa on Oct. 5.
Photos by Anthony Mariano

(From left) Kyle Santos, science communicator, University of Guam; Patrick Hogan, filmmaker, GIFF entrant; and John I. Borja, science communicator, University of Guam.
Joe M. Arnett, tax advisor, Deloitte & Touche LLP; David J. John, president of ASC Trust LLC; and Maureen N. Maratita, publisher of Glimpses Media; presented awards to companies that participated in the Deloitte & Touche ASC Trust list of the Top Companies in Micronesia in the November-December 2018 Guam Business Magazine.
The presentations took place in September and October.
Photos by Maureen N. Maratita

(from left) John; Arnett; Frank S.N. Shimizu, president and CEO; and Paul S.N. Shimizu, corporate secretary, both from Ambros Inc.

(from left) John, Joaquin P. Cook, president and CEO; William D. Leon Guerrero , chairman of the board, both with Bank of Guam; and Arnett.

(from left) John; Wayne L. Cornell, project director; Markham Rich, deputy project director and operations manager, both from DZSP 21; and Arnett.

(from left) Arnett; Jimmy Tim Chau Hau, president Mobil Oil Guam; Maratita; and John.

(from left) Candy C. Okuhama, director of sales and marketing; ASC Trust; Melissa Kramer; procurement manager, Pacific International Inc. and acting general manager, Diamond K Wholesale; Michelle Kramer, managing director, Pacific International (Guam) Inc. and sister of Melissa; and Maratita.

(from left) Jay B. Jones, senior vice president; Maratita; Robert H. Jones, chairman and CEO, both with Triple J. Enterprises Inc.; Arnett; and Jeffrey B. Jones, president and COO, Triple J. Enterprises.