Security Title held its 20th anniversary party outside of its Tamuning location on Jan. 17.
Photos by Justin Green

(From left) Cherri Mendiola, vice president and general manager; Ronald M. Young, corporate secretary; Kim Anderson Young, president; Elizabeth Manalili, vice president and general manager for the Saipan location; and Claire Manglona, vice president and escrow manager for the Northern Mariana Islands, all of Security Title.

(From left) Sinforoso M. “Rossi” Tolentino, of counsel, Camacho Calvo Law Group LLC; and Catherine S. Castro, president, Guam Chamber of Commerce.
Guam Business Magazine held its annual Executive of the Year gala at the Hyatt Regency Guam on Jan. 11, benefitting the Guam Chapter of the American Red Cross.
Photos by Justin Green

(From left) Alberto A. “Tony” Lamorena V, on-air radio personality; Patti Arroyo, on-air radio personality, both of Newstalk K57; and Karen Gayle, assistant vice president of communications, Bank of Guam, all judges for the Quiz Night portion of the gala.

Andrew M. Gayle Jr., chief operating officer of GTA Teleguam, was master of ceremonies for the gala.

(Standing, from left) Teodorico Constantino, senior vice president, treasurer, chief financial officer; Eric Plinske, vice president of corporate affairs; Hugh King, senior vice president and chief restructuring officer; Cindy Hanson, communications and social media specialist; and Alan Funtanilla, executive vice president; and (seated, from left) Nelia Pono, accounting manager; Bernie Lobaton, assistant vice president of financial services and materials management; Tina Alicto, administrative assistant – nursing administration; and Nina Duenas, executive assistant, all of Guam Regional Medical City.

(From left) Bernadette N. Valencia, vice president and general manager for Micronesia and Okinawa, Matson Navigation Co. Inc. and 2018 Executive of the Year; Annmarie T. Muna, president and general manager, AM Insurance and 2019 Executive of the Year; and Sen. Tina Muna Barnes, speaker of the 35th Guam legislature and sister of Annmarie.