By John I. Borja
It takes a lot of effort for designers in marketing to determine what concepts, emotions and colors work well to catch the average consumer’s eye. For 2018’s advertisements, Guam Business Magazine sought insight from the creators of some of the most alluring ads to grace our publication pages.
Putting customers first, the individuals behind the following ads were keen on illustrating the elements that their audience can relate to and empathize with. Here are the ads from 2018 that hit the spot.

*Coca-Cola Beverage Co. (Guam) Inc.
Coca-cola beverage
Published in MBJ Life, Winter
* Coca-Cola is a sister company to Glimpses of Guam Inc. Glimpses Media, a division of Glimpses of Guam, publishes Guam Business Magazine.
Behind the design
Jennifer F. Quemado
Graphic designer, Dusit Thani Guam Resort

Jennifer F. Quemado
In conceptualizing Dusit’s ad, Quemado said the goal was to portray the resort as the No. 1 spot for luxury dining, fun and relaxation. The use of images added a youthful touch to displaying the numerous top-quality services Dusit offers.
“Proper design can add value by creating a visual appeal to the experience,” she says. “This ad in particular integrated user generated content as part of our strategy to showcase an unbiased portrayal of our products and services.”
The advertisement depicts a theme that resonated well with both members of the business community as well as the millennial demographic, Quemado says.
Quemado has more than five years of experience in design and marketing and joined Dusit Thani more than a year ago.
Behind the design
Clarence M. Palisoc
Marketing supervisor, TakeCare

Clarence M. Palisoc
TakeCare’s marketing team said the purpose of this advertisement is simple, yet bold: TakeCare offers high-quality services because it employs high-quality individuals.
Targeting business owners and human resources managers, the ad portrays the company as a worthwhile employer that values its workers and its partnerships with other businesses.
“High quality advertisement design is a direct reflection of the advertiser’s core values, place in the community and attention to detail,” according to Gregory Kerrebrock, sales, marketing and customer service senior manager.
Palisoc, the designer behind the ad, is a longtime employee of TakeCare. He has worked with the company for 16 years and has an overall 23 years of experience in design and marketing.

Hokkaido Ramen House
Restaurant and miso soup
Published in Guam Business Magazine, September/October

IT&E Guam and CNMI
United MileagePlus Explore Your World Million
Mile Giveaway
Published in Guam Business Magazine, September/October and MBJ Life, Fall
Behind the design
Edwin E. Valencia
Graphic designer, IT&E

Edwin E. Valencia
Valencia has been with the company’s marketing department for three years, but he’s 13 years strong in the industry overall.
As a designer, Valencia says quality is essential to convey a meaningful connection to the audience. With this IT&E ad, he wanted to tie in IT&E’s brand, “Explore your world,” while being able to emphasize a relatable experience to people from all walks of life.
“We wanted to give the viewer a sense of adventure and to be able to imagine the possibilities of their next destination,” he says.
And on a place like Guam, he adds, the feeling of adventure and loyalty improve the overall customer experience.
Behind the design
Samantha Sikayun and Charlie Rivera
Marketing coordinator and senior graphic artist

Samantha Sikayun
The collaborative experience between the marketing and design team at Pacifica Insurance led to the creation of this advertisement. Rivera has been working with the company for 10 years while Sikayun has three years of experience in the marketing arm.
According to Sikayun, the ad targeted “anyone who is looking to invest in products that provide financial security.” The advertisement uses family imagery to relate to the consumer and lists its insurance coverage for what’s important to a family, including home, auto, commercial and life and health insurance. Simply put, ads should be simple but also effective, she says.

Charlie Rivera
“We wanted the readers to relate to the ad and rest assured that there are options to minimizing financial loss,” Sikayun says.
Pacifica Insurance has provided personal and commercial insurance lines to the Northern Mariana Islands for more than 40 years. The company’s advertisement reflects its mission statement to “extend superior service and provide reliable insurance coverage to ensure the full satisfaction of its clients and members.”

Staywell Insurance Corp.
Commitment to island service
Published in the Marianas Business Journal, Feb. 19
Behind the Design
Calypso Group
The Calypso Group was founded by Reden Terbio, Sherry Difuntorum and Royce Hare in 2012. Since then, the company has provided numerous clients with its multimedia services, including design and creative concepts, social media, video, print advertisements and 3D model designing.
Calypso’s website states the team was drawn together and inspired by Guam’s environment as well as the “spirit of adventure and exploration in how to integrate art and creativity into functional forms that serve businesses and their customers.”