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Positioned for change

Siska S. Hutapea President Cornerstone Valuation Guam Inc. The 2017 Guam real estate transactions describe a lot…

Why your organization should write a grant — and how to do it: part III

Holly Rustick Owner  WEGO Consulting In the last issue we discussed how to identify and articulate the…

How to breed an effective business manager

Thomas D. Sharts Professor of sociology Northern Marianas College     With so many articles and information…

Keeping connected

By Wayne Chargualaf Kathy C. Sgro, executive vice president and chairwoman of Pay-Less Markets Inc., is no…

From military to management 

By Nicole B. Benavente Robert F. Salas grew up on Saipan, Guam and Hawaii as the youngest…

How would you describe your purchasing habits when you shop for food and drink for you and your family?

  “Now that our daughters are both out of the house, we purchase in smaller quantities for…

Family fine dining

Avenue Steak & Lobster  The Plaza 1255 Pale San Vitores Road Tumon Bay, Guam By Steve Graff…

Fighting for the fundamentals

Let’s take a look at the elements that, when life is broken down to the nitty gritty,…

2018 Business Woman of the Year Nomination Form

Latte Built 24hr Gym holds Veterans Day launch

Latte Built, a veteran-owned fitness and nutrition center in Oleai, Saipan, held a launch party on Nov….