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Saipan casino scandal receives national attention

The New York Times has reported on the investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation into allegations…

GVB receives president’s export award

The Guam Visitors Bureau received the President’s “E” Award for export service on May 22 from the…

Blake Watson takes over weekday mornings at STAR 101

Radio personality Blake Watson took over the morning slot on Choice Broadcasting’s STAR 101 as of May…

“Frank Ishizaki: Unholstered” launches on K57

Former senator, chief of police and FBI agent Frank Ishizaki has joined Newstalk K57 as an afternoon…

Coast Guard launches mobile app

The U.S. Coast Guard launched a mobile application to help mitigate accidents and provide essential services and…

Guam’s disability rate for injured workers sorely outdated

Geri E. Diaz Attorney Camacho Calvo Law Group LLC It’s no secret to business owners and workers…

Retirement, stage one: Start saving early – Put time to work in your retirement corner

Jason B. Miyashita Senior vice president, investments Senior institutional consultant Asia Pacific Group of Raymond James Here’s…

Rubyjane Buhain-Redila: Creative in spirit, calculated in business

By Catherine Bungabong Rubyjane Buhain-Redila’s ambitious and multi-talented nature is reflected in her accomplishments as a filmmaker,…

Korean celebrities visit and promote NMI

Korean celebrities Jaehoon Lee and Jiyoon Park, Northern Marianas Tourism Ambassadors, visited the Northern Mariana Islands in…

Saipan author goes on stateside book tour

Saipan native and author Katrina Manning is going on a book-signing and sale tour of her book,…