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Passport to the Airline Industry: Philippines Region

A Guam Business series providing a birds-eye view of carriers serving Micronesia By Lara Ozaki   President…

Guam Home Center: Tools of the trade

  Guam Home Center 282 E. Marine Corps Dr. Dededo By Jackie Hanson Guam Home Center, located in…

Minimum wage: A responsible and comprehensive approach

Bobby A. Shringi Chairman Guam Chamber of Commerce On Feb. 10, the long-awaited “Independent Study” in regards…

Album combines Chamorro chants and hip hop

Musical artist Dåkot-ta Alcantara-Camacho launched his first full-length album, Na’Lå’La’, which means “give life,” in January in…

Before you start, envision the end

I have to hand it to Stacie Krajchir-Tom, Vanessa Williams, Doyon Ahn Morato and Siska Hutapea —…

MVA chooses child representative for Japan

The Marianas Visitors Authority has selected 6-year-old Jebro John Leon to be “Marianas-chan,” the young and endearing…

Two Lovers legend featured on Johnnie Walker label

Island Wines & Spirits launched the second edition of the Johnnie Walker Blue Label Guam Legend Series…

NMI to be featured on Japanese television series

The Northern Mariana Islands will be featured in a four-part television series entitled “How do you like…

Atkins Kroll opens art contest to Guam and NMI

Atkins Kroll Inc. opened the 11th Toyota Dream Car Art Contest to Guam and Northern Mariana Islands…

If you are going to splurge on a meal out for a special occasion, what is your meal of choice?

“I enjoy cozy places to dine, so Kitchen Lingo is my pick. Kale Salad or KL Pickles…