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Staying the course: A sampling of Guam restaurants that know the secret recipe to 10+ years in the biz

By Joy White Guam is home to a diverse selection of night-time eateries, serving everything from Chamorro…

Fitness frenzy: Exercise enthusiasts find business opportunities opening gyms in Guam’s increasingly health-conscious market

By Bryce Guerrero If the number of fitness centers that have sprung up over the past two…

Guam real estate activity hints positive

By Siska Hutapea The first three quarters of this year’s real estate sales activity reflect a stabilized…

40 Under 40

By Jackie Hanson Editor’s Note: By age 40, career and life expectations are that you will have…

Christopher Young: Born into the boating biz

Christopher Young Owner ShipRight By Bryce Guerrero ShipRight boat shop owner Christopher Young seems to be one…

Opus One: Turning 175 in dog years

By Thomas Johnson Opus One Inc. 617 W. Marine Corps Dr. Anigua, GU 96932 Photos by Justin…

Great expectations for 2015

On the recent occasion of a party for a friend, I was assigned the task of ordering…

Jeffrey Voacolo: Electrician turned entrepreneur

Jeffrey VoacoloVice presidentMicronesia Renewable Energy Inc. By Manuel Cruz Jeffrey Voacolo first came to Guam as a…

Best practices for records retention and destruction

By Joyce Diamadi The value of accurate records retention schedules cannot be emphasized enough as improper schedules…

Noteworthy: Promotions and New Hires – Nov/Dec 2014

Palau President Thomas E. Remengesau Jr. on Sept. 21 received the 2014 Leadership Award from the Ocean…